If you have all of your authentication and unsub headers set up correctly, and Gmail is still rejecting email that you send from Microsoft (Outlook, Exchange, 365, etc.), here's why. First, you're not crazy and you're not doing anything wrong. It's real, it's on the Gmail side, and there's a reason.
If you have the feeling that bot clicks seem to be an increasing problem in the email marketing world, well, you're not alone. Email bots, also referred to as server bots, are automated systems which click on the links contained in email. Whether there has been a dramatic increase in actual bot clicks, or just in the awareness of them, they are definitely a thing.
Google has started sending notices of deactivating inactive Gmail addresses (actually they are going to deactivate dormant Google accounts, which includes Gmail accounts); and Yahoo posted a notice about deleting inactive mailboxes earlier this year. And if you don't pay attention to this it can, and likely will, hurt your deliverability.
We all know that email delivery problems are costly, and can damage your email reputation. But […]
We are often asked how we can be so much lower cost an alternative to Validity, and it's because we do things like giving you email deliverability check information that you can do yourself to improve email deliverability, instead of charging you a bunch to do it for you. Actually today we're going to give you two email deliverability self-help tips. One of these is actually super-easy and seems obvious, yet we regularly get a surprised look from customers when we ask them whether they have done it already.
There's a lot of misunderstanding around domain reputation when it comes to email sending and email deliverability. Domain reputation is a thing, and it does relate to email and email deliverability, and it is important. For example, it is absolutely the case that if example.com starts spamming, inbox providers are going to start putting example.com's email in the junk folder, or maybe even block it altogether. But still, domain reputation is not what a lot of people think that it is.
If you are looking for re-engagement campaign examples, look no further. Properly conducting an email re-engagement campaign, and following re-engagement campaign best practices, is critical to your email deliverability. One misstep and all of your email can start going to the spam folder, if not being outright blocked as "spam". In this article we outline the 6 steps to a successful re-engagement campaign. Then, once you have conducted your successful re-engagement campaign, it’s important to consistently email those re-engaged subscribers! We include a real-life re-engagement email campaign example, showing how doing this carefully, correctly, and following these points, can lead to success.
We get asked "Why is my email going to the junk or spam folder?" all the time. Here is one of the most comment reasons that email gets sent to the junk folder, and what to do about it.
You may be surprised to learn who comes out the winner in the plain text email vs HTML match. Whether you go plain text email or HTML can impact many things, including deliverability and engagement, which of course are the most important rates for your email campaigns. Digital marketing solutions provider Vendasta actually conducted research on which gets not just better deliverability, but better traction in terms of response when it comes to HTML vs plain text emails, and what they found may seem counter-intuitive. (In case you're not sure whether the email you are sending is HTML email, basically if it's not plain text, then it's HTML. Using a template? It's HTML. Using email stationary? It's HTML.)