Gmail Rejecting Your Email from Microsoft? Here's Why and How to Fix It
By now you may have heard that Validity is going to start charging for access to their FBL, which they call the Universal FBL because they have made it the single point of access to the FBLs of so many ISPs. Here are all the details, including how much it will cost you.
Gmail Rejecting Your Email from Microsoft? Here's Why and How to Fix It
If you are already using Google's Gmail Postmaster Tools, guess what! You can share read-only access to this valuable data! (If you aren't already signed up for Gmail Postmaster Tools, see our tutorial on how to sign up for Google's Gmail Postmaster Tools.) There are any number of reasons that you might want to give someone else access to your data; here at SuretyMail we use it to review our customers' inboxing versus spam-foldering at Gmail so that we can help them fix anything that may be causing them to not achieve the best inboxing possible.
At long last it is possible to sign up for a Yahoo Feedback Loop (FBL)! And we encourage you to do so!
We have officially rolled out our Feedback Loop Reports service today, with its own spiffy section on our website, and we couldn't be prouder.
Some of you know that we have been quietly working on our Feed back Loop Reports service for a while now. Today, we are making it public! And not only that, but for a limited time, you can get our Feed back Loop Reports at a special price!
Gmail Rejecting Your Email from Microsoft? Here's Why and How to Fix It
Getting spam complaints and not knowing who made a particular email spam complaint is really frustrating. We get it. A common complaint that we hear, particularly from email senders who are signed up for feedback loops from ISPs, is "why won't the ISPs let us know who is complaining and clicking "this is spam" on our email, so that we can unsubscribe them?" This is frustrating for senders who are following all best email marketing practices, including confirmed opt-in, because it means that someone who confirmed their consent to receive the email still complained that it was spam! (There are a few things that can cause someone who requested your email to still complain that it's spam, which we go into in a different article.)
We recently received notice of changes to the RoadRunner feedback loop program. These change will affect anyone who is currently receiving the Road Runner feedback loop, as well as anyone who applies for the Road Runner FBL program in the future.
AOL has announced today that their feedback loop will be switching over to the ARF format - only. This means that if you are an email sender of any volume, it's time for you to start being able to deal with ARF format spam reports if you aren't already.
Sender Reputation Data (SRD) can refer either to the data related to your email sending reputation generally, or to Microsoft's Windows Live Sender Reputation Data (WSRD or WLSRD) program. In either case our SuretyMail email reputation certification can help!
We are ISIPP SuretyMail, the original certified sender program and email deliverability service. Learn more here
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