Jai Siyaram is a charitable institution in India that, among other things, provides a school for children of poverty. Explains Jai Siyaram’s owner, Swami Balendu Ji, “We provide them food, education and clothes. The whole project is run by donations which we get from all over the world. We also travel around the world and give Yoga workshops, seminars on the energy in the body, and other courses. All the money from these activities also supports our charity projects. We invite people to come to India and see the work here, visit the school and talk to the children. We also encourage people to support our projects by sponsoring food for the children or becoming a sponsor of one or several children.”

Swami Balendu Ji sought SuretyMail email accreditation for Jai Siyaram to help ensure that their newsletters are delivered to the inbox.

“As we sent emails from our private server they very often landed in the spam folder, and people who actually requested information did not get it. So we had to find a way that we can deliver our newsletters about our activities and charity programs, as well as our normal mails and replies, to the inbox.”

After a long time searching for a solution, Jai Siyaram found and settled on SuretyMail. Asked why the ashram chose SuretyMail, Swami Balendu Ji said that “We were looking at several different companies and chose SuretyMail in the end as it seemed more stable and more serious than others.”

“We were very happy with the service and the good correspondence.” adds Swami Balendu. “As a charity organization we are very careful with investing money, but we feel that now our emails are taken care of properly. SuretyMail has a wonderful customer service which proves the sincerity of their work.”

Jai Siyaram offers many services – and hope – to both the local community, and to others around the world. Swami Balendu Ji extends this invitation to our readers: “You are always welcome to join any of our activities, be it a Yoga class, an Ayurvedic cooking workshop, or a chakra cleansing. You are invited to make a spiritual holiday in India at our Ashram and maybe join the Ayurvedic Yoga Course with daily oil massages and Panchakarma treatments. And of course you are always welcome to support our projects with a donation, by sponsoring food or by sponsoring a child. You can bring light into the future of those children.”

You can visit Jai Siyaram online at http://www.JaiSiyaram.com/.

NOTE: Our customer showcases contain genuine interviews with SuretyMail customers. These customers have not received any money – or any special consideration – for their remarks.

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One response

  1. It is impressive that a charitable organization focussed on spiritual development is so savvy about improving email deliverability.

    Sort of the cyber world meeting the spiritual world

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