Well, the run for President is continuing to heat up and, like any good campaign strategy, the candidates are integrating email marketing into their overall plan. But did you know that political email has an exemption where politicians can grab email addresses from voter registrations and spam them all they want with immunity? What does this mean for you?

As scores of email recipients start getting bugged with unwanted campaign material, their trigger-fingers are going to become spam button-happy and start sending those emails off to the dreaded spam folder. Soon, those smart spam filters are going to start recognizing certain phrases or other commonalities as being increasingly marked as “spam,” and automatically block them. This could mean that your well-intentioned email that has the unfortunate resemblance to a political marketing mailing could wind up with the same spammy fate. To avoid this, it’s not a bad idea to keep these buzzwords, phrases and other popular trends in the back of your mind when preparing the content and layout for your own email campaigns.

Here are a just a few of the 2012 political buzzwords and terms that we may see frequenting Presidential campaign emails:

  • economic freedom
  • free market
  • progressive
  • climate change
  • reform
  • 1 percent
  • job creators
  • conservative
  • liberal
  • vote

While your normal email content may not have those specific terms, consider how many singular words are relevant to your content as it stands alone. You may find that some of those words are common buzzwords in your industry. And it’s not only the buzzwords that will stand out; subject lines are going to be analyzed by filters as well. Forbes blog contributor, Davia Temin, noted recently in her article, “Winning the Email Wars: 8 Ways to Separate the Sacred from the Profane in Your Inbox”, that there is a trend of politicians using one word subject lines such as, “Appalling”, “Despicable” and “Dangerous,” so there is even potential of seeing emails with one-word subject lines falling victim to the virtual iron-fists of the spam filters.

While we don’t predict that the race for President will derail private email marketing campaigns to catastrophic levels, it is a good thing to keep in mind should you notice a decline in your deliverability numbers.

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One response

  1. That is why “delete” works just as good, unless you can report and address as spam, as opposed to message content.

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