Last week we talked about how if your email is not “mobile friendly”, that is, if it doesn’t render well on mobile devices, your email will not bring you the results for which you are hoping. (You can read that article here.) And because once someone reads your email on their mobile device, they aren’t as likely to read it on their computer, this is very important. Remember that open and click-through rates can directly affect your deliverability.

So we thought that today we’d tell you a couple of ways that you can actually see how your email renders on various mobile clients, and generally how HTML looks on a tiny screen.

The first is the one that we recommend and provide a link through to on our site. Through the Campaign Monitor service you can see how your email campaign will look in the top 20 mail clients, including Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook Express 6, Outlook XP, Thunderbird, AOL 9, Lotus Notes, AOL Web, Comcast, Earthlink, Gmail,, MSN Hotmail, Windows Live Hotmail, Yahoo! Classic, and Yahoo! Mail, and even how it looks on a BlackBerry, Windows Mobile 5, and Windows Mobile 6. You just need to set up a free account with Campaign Monitor, and then you pay only for the tests you submit!

If your emails tend to point your users to your website, you can also check how that looks for any mobile device running Opera (and even if they aren’t running Opera, it will still give you a good idea how things look on a tiny screen). Using the Opera Mini simulator, you can tell a simulated phone to go to any site, and it will display the site on the simulated mini screen. You can access the Opera Mini demo here.

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