If you are already using Google’s Gmail Postmaster Tools, guess what! You can share your Google Postmaster Tools data with others! (If you aren’t already signed up for Gmail Postmaster Tools, see our tutorial on how to sign up for Google’s Gmail Postmaster Tools.) There are any number of reasons that you might want to give someone else access to your data; here at SuretyMail we use it to review our customers’ inboxing versus spam-foldering at Gmail so that we can help them fix anything that may be causing them to not achieve the best inboxing possible.

The one caveat is that you can only share this access with other Google or Gmail accounts, by which we mean the email address you enter for whomever you want to be able to see your data must be associated with a Google account. It does not have to be a Google or Gmail email address, but it has to be associated with a Google account. For example, if ja**@ex*****.com is associated with a Google account, then ja**@ex*****.com can have access.

Ok, ready?

How to Give Someone Access to Share Google Postmaster Tools Data

Here are step-by-step directions, followed by a nifty animated GIF created just for you by one of our team members!

Making sure that you are signed in to your Google account first, go to your Gmail Postmaster Tools homepage.

Hover over the domain the data for which you want to share, and three vertical dots will appear to the right of the domain name.

Click on the three vertical dots on the right-hand side, and select ‘Manage Users’.

share google postmaster tools manage users


On the ‘Manage Users’ page, click the red button with the white “+” sign in the lower right-hand corner.

In the pop-up, enter the email address of the person that you want to grant access your domain’s Postmaster Tools data.

That’s all there is to it, in fact it almost feels too easy!

Important Note: Google often does not send a notification to whomever you granted access, you have to tell them that you have done so, and when they log into their own Google account, they will be able to see your data.

Sharing your Postmaster Tools data is a great way for people working on deliverability issues for you (that’s something that we do!) to gain insight into what may be going on with the email that you send to Gmail users.

How to Share Google Postmaster Tools Data with Someone

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