Below is a GDPR country contacts list, in other words a list of GDPR countries and to whom questions or complaints involving GDPR should be directed for each country. This GDPR countries list is based on information compiled directly from the European Data Protection Board (EDPB).

Who Does GDPR Apply To?

GDPR, which stands for the General Data Protection Regulation, applies to all countries in the EU. After Brexit the UK adopted its own version, known as the UK GDPR. You can read more about the UK GDPR here.

In addition, Iceland, Norway and Liechtenstein, while not members of the EU, have joined the EDPB “for GDPR related matters.”

In terms of the sending of email (after all, that’s what we deal with here), and the rules, regulations and laws that apply to sending email in general, and pertaining to email marketing in particular, any email that originates from a country that has adopted GDPR must comply with the requirements of GDPR. (You can read more about GDPR compliance here, and about why even companies based in the U.S. should comply with GDPR here.)

In terms of to whom it applies on the receiving end, GDPR was written quite loosely (probably intentionally) and so rather than saying that it protects “citizens” of the EU, or “residents” of the EU, it simply says that it applies to anyone “in the EU”. GDPR also says that it applies to anyone, anywhere, meaning that it seems to have reserved the right to go after any email sender, even one that is outside of the EU, who violates the GDPR rights of someone “in the EU”. For example, an EU authority could, under the loose wording of GDPR, go after a company in the U.S. that spams someone living in Spain. (Of course it would be complicated, difficult, and costly, and they would be even less likely to win than they would be to pursue it, but in theory it’s possible under GDPR.)

GDPR Countries Contact List

Below is the list of contact email addresses for each GDPR country. (Note that while they are human-readable they have been encoded so that they cannot be scraped.)

First, we want to tell you when not to use this list. Don’t use it for regular spam reporting; if you get spam, even from a country in the EU, you should first report it to the service that the spammer is using to send the spam. Also don’t use it for general questions about GDPR; there are lots and lots of resources on the Internet (including here on our own site) that provide guidance about how to comply with GDPR, what constitutes a violation of GDPR, etc..

Use this list when you have exhausted all other avenues, or to report serious violations of GDPR, systemic breaches of private data, and situations in which personal data is being compromised such as a data breach.

The GDPR Countries Contact List

Austria: ds*@ds*.at
Belgium: co*****@ap*****.be
Bulgaria: kz**@cp**.bg
Cyprus: co**********@da************.cy
Czech Republic: po***@uo**.cz
Denmark: **@da**********.dk
Estonia: in**@ak*.ee
Finland: ti********
France: (no published email address)
Germany: po********@bf**.de
Greece: co*****@dp*.gr
Hungry: pr*****@na**.hu
Iceland: po****@dp*.is
Ireland: in**@da************.ie
Italy: se******************@gp**.it
Latvia: pa***@dv*.lv
Liechtenstein: in******@ll*.li
Lithuania: ad*@ad*.lt
Luxembourg: in**@cn**.lu
Malta: id*******@id**.mt
Netherlands: (no published email address)
Norway: po*******@da**********.no
Poland: ka********@uo**.pl dw**@uo**.pl
Portugal: ge***@cn**.pt
Romania: an*****@da************.ro
Slovakia: st**********@pd*.sk
Slovenia: gp***@ip***.si
Spain: in***********@ae**.es
Sweden: im*@im*.se

In addition, the overseeing European Data Protection Board supervisor can be reached at ed**@ed**.eu

List of GDPR Contacts for Each Country in the EU

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