The results of a recent survey released by eROI show that a shocking almost 20% of email marketers don’t bother to track their open rates and click-through rates (CTR).

Now, the point that eROI was making with this, as their names suggests, is that if you are not paying attention to how many people are actually reading and responding to your email marketing, then you can’t know if you are getting a good return on investment for your email marketing dollars.

But as importantly, and indeed relatedly, if you aren’t paying attention to your open rates and CTR, then your email deliverability is going to go down the tubes, because if your open rate and CTR aren’t up to snuff, many ISPs will start sending you right to the junk folder.

We are always surprised to find a sender that isn’t tracking opens and CTRs, but apparently it’s more common than one would think.

So if you fall within the group of business email senders who aren’t tracking this vital information, then please do yourself a favor, and read Why Open Rates are Important, and Why You Should Monitor Your Click Through Rate.

Do it now.

And start tracking.

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One response

  1. As an email marketer who is tracking all important features of an email marketing campaign. I would like to know what else can afect deliverability. Aside from HTML coding. I have been having issues with deliverability for the past 2 months. Using ListManager 10, and regularly updating my list of customers.

    Please let me know there is anything i am overstepping.

    Thank you

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