We wanted to do a mid-year check-in to remind you to make sure that your emailing practices are staying in tip-top shape, and that your email marketing campaigns were minding their p’s and q’s to ensure maximum deliverability. Here is a quick checklist to ensure you are following best practices:

* Evaluate your content: people signed up to receive it, so keep it relevant enough that they can remember why they wanted it in the first place, and so they don’t hit the “This is Spam” button.
* Branding: keep branding sufficiently prominent that they know the email is from you.
* Address your email to the recipient. Sounds basic doesn’t it? We all hate getting email addressed to someone else, but more to the point, some ISPs will filter out email that doesn’t contain the recipient’s email address in the To: or CC: field. This effectively rules out email marketers who use BCC: send out emails to multiple undisclosed recipients.
*Keep email lists clean by removing all: bad addresses, hard bounced addresses, typos in email addresses (e.g. mr*****@ao**.com, mr********@ho****.com)

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