A lot of business email senders are wondering just what Gmail’s new “tabs” feature, now turned on by default for all Gmail users, means for delivery of the commercial email that they send. Will marketing email now go by default into the ‘Promotions’ tab, where Gmail users will probably rarely look? Will email go to the promotions folder instead of the spam folder? Just what will be the effect of Gmail tabs for email senders?
Our good friends over at SuretyMail-accredited MailChimp have sought to answer these questions, and they’ve done a darned good job. Their analysis of nearly 1.5 billion emails, and the actions that Gmail users took with that email leading up to and after the introduction of the ‘tabs’ feature, leads to an unfortunate, but not surprising, conclusion: the introduction of tabs has reduced the open rate for email marketers. We’re sure that it’s the “out of sight, out of mind” mentality of the Gmail users, and also some probably equate the ‘Promotions’ tab with the spam folder.
You can read MailChimp’s full analysis of how Gmail tabs affect open rate here.
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