At long last it is possible to sign up for a Yahoo Feedback Loop (FBL)! And we encourage you to do so!

With the addition of Yahoo, it is now possible to know in real-time of spam complaints that your email is garnering at all of the top ISPs.

Here’s what Yahoo has to say about what you need to do to get signed up for their feedback loops:

1. Determine your sending domain (the d= value in your DomainKeys or DKIM signature).
2. Determine your selector (the s= value in your DomainKeys or DKIM signature).
3. Create a dedicated email address to receive complaints, capable of handling a large volume of reports in the standard Abuse Reporting Format.
4. Sign in through Yahoo to set up your Feedback Loop.

Now, there are two things to note about this. The first is that you need to have DKIM set up in order to take advantage of the Yahoo FBL. I

The second is that you need to have a regular Yahoo email account, so that you can sign in to Yahoo to set up the FBL service. So have that handy before you go to sign up for the Yahoo Feedback Loop service, which, when you are ready, you can do here.

And, if you want to get the most out of your Feedback Loop data, ask us about our Feedback Loops Reports service!

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3 Responses

  1. Ok so heres my problem, how can i push my email marketing site/service to set up domain keys or DKIM? At the moment they do not support it. Do you think its a cost issue for them or lazyness or is it their system setup? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

  2. B. Moore – are you using Cpanel on your hosting account?

    If so, in the Email tab, there is an option called “Email Authentification”
    Click that and you’ll be able to deploy SPF and DomainKeys at just one click.

    Unfortunately, it seems Cpanel has no support for DKIM at the moment. They’re looking at implementing it, but there’s no knowing when.

    Another sad part is that without DKIM you can’t register for the Yahoo! FBL (feedback loop)…

    Should your Cpanel not have “Email Authentification”, you could ask the hosting support to enable your DomainKeys – however I don’t think they’ll do the same for DKIM, which is a separate authentification method.

    Hope this helps,

  3. This has nothing to do with Cpanel or hosting or standard day to day email.

    This is about trying to get my Email Marketing Provider to add DKIM to there service. I use a company like constant contact or yes mail or vertical response or mail chimp.

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