Did you know that only two companies in the world certify email reputation to the inbox providers, and that we’re one of them? We’ve been getting our customers’ email into the inbox since 2003, let us help you get more of the email you send into the inbox too! Learn how it works here.
Our customers love us!
We’ve been in business since 2003, and we have customers who have stayed with us the entire time (we’re pretty proud of that; customer service and experience is everything to us, so when we have such long-term customers, even though they can leave at any time (no contract or time commitment), and even ask for their money back (our money-back guarantee), it means we must be doing something right!) But you can read for yourself what our customers are saying.
Go here to leave a review of your own.
Here are a few of our current customers (we have many more but we take our customers’ privacy very seriously, and when you sign up you get the choice whether or not we can each disclose our business relationship, so these below have agreed that we may publicly disclose that they are our customers).
Below are reviews from our previous review system, before we migrated to Google Reviews
SuretyMail certification is an integral step in ensuring that requested opt-in email is delivered to recipients at major ISPs.
ISIPP’s SuretyMail accreditation is an integral step in ensuring that requested opt-in email is delivered to recipients at major ISPs. As a responsible email service provider, making sure our policies and procedures are known to not only our customers, but the ISPs receiving the email, prevents false positives from spam filters and provides consistent inbox email deliverability.
I wholeheartedly recommend it to every email marketer on the Internet
As a responsible email sender it is very important for us to deliver our messages to mailing lists of our 500,000+ customers. Unlike regular whitelists, SuretyMail enables us to share specific information about our email marketing practices with email receivers, resulting in better email deliverability, higher customer satisfaction and increased profitability. SuretyMail takes the permission-based email to the next level and I wholeheartedly recommend it to every email marketer on the Internet.
I rely on SuretyMail to help my 120,000+ customers get the newsletters they asked for
The ongoing ‘spam wars’ have a side effect: ‘friendly fire’ casualties in the form of legitimate mail getting improperly blocked by over-zealous filtering. Verified opt-in mail, even mail the recipients paid to get, is being lost in alarming percentages. Mailer certification programs help legitimate mail get through, significantly reducing customer complaints. I rely on SuretyMail to help my 120,000+ customers get the newsletters they asked for.
Let us help YOU get to the inbox like we've helped these others!