We are often asked “who uses your data”, which really means “with which sites will we get a benefit if we are accepted for email reputation certification with SuretyMail?”
Unless an ISP or spam filters has specifically given us permission to disclose that they are using our data (and very few of them give such permission, and generally speaking the bigger an organization is, the less likely they are to be able to give that permission), the bottom line is that we work with all of the various ISPs, spam filters, and other sites. If they aren’t using our data directly and automatically, then we will personally reach out to them to assist our customers with any issues they may be having at any email receiver, anywhere in the world. It is this personal touch that sets us apart from other services.
Below is a partial list of the email receivers who either automatically use our data, or with whom we otherwise have a deliverability remediation relationship. We are unable to disclose many of the receivers that do automatic lookup or transfers of our data owing to the fact that we do not have their express permission to disclose that information – or, as is the case with some, they have expressly asked us to not disclose that information (we take the privacy of both our customers, and those who use our data, very seriously, as you will see when you apply for certification).
All that said, we work on your behalf directly with all of the top ISPs, including Gmail, AOL, Yahoo, Hotmail, and all the others! In addition, dozens of other ISPs and spam filtering programs check with us to determine whether a sender is certified and accredited with us, including:
Google AmazonAWS Sprint SBC SpamAssassin SpamCop Outblaze GoDaddy SECNAP Clearswift Sonic Snet Mail Shell SURBL NavCom ETRN |
Comcast JunkEmailFilter.com Declude MessageGate SprintLink Vircom Excedent SpamCheck ISP Services CAS, Inc PO Box Abaca IronBay Biglist Rahul TriTech Assoc |
Spam Bouncer Prolocation MNGI Pivotal Veracity Openminds Coast to Coast Server Authority WebPage Assoc. Partan Labs CECOM Chagres Tech. SCN Research Reasonable Software Hexamail Saunalahti Interactive Networks |
Barnet Siglan Asarian OpenMinds OLS Assoc. Nets APANA Pay 2 Send GITK ReadNotify Clue Taughannock Uniwares Bottomline Wirtualna Pl. |
Have more questions about the benefits of having your email certified with us? Drop us a line!
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