There is some confusion over whether Microsoft offers feedback loops (FBLs) such as a Hotmail FBL or Outlook FBL. They do, but it’s called something different: Microsoft calls their feedback loop reporting system the Junk Mail Reporting Program (JMRP). The JMRP is offered in tandem with the SNDS program; SNDS stands for Smart Network Data Services and gives sender a view into how their deliverability is at Microsoft properties.
When signing up for the JMRP and SNDS you will need to provide them with your IP addresses, and you will need a Hotmail, Live or MSN account at which you can receive email; if you do not have one you can easily create a free account at
To sign up for the JRMP and SNDS go here:
After you enter your IP addresses, the next page will show you a list of possible email addresses which may be responsible for your IP addresses. BE VERY CAREFUL as usually all but one or two of these email addresses will belong to your ISP, not you. Look at the list and find the email address in the list at which you can receive email, then check it and press the “Send mail to the chosen address” button.
This next step is critical: you will receive a confirmation email from “st***@ho*****.com” or a similar email address at Hotmail. Click on the confirmation link.
We recommend that you sign up for both SNDS and the JMRP; Hotmail and Outlook inboxes are some of the ones that give email senders the most headache, and by having a view into what is going on with your email at those properties you will be ahead of the game.
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